Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What Happened to V-Gear?

I was doing a routine check for firmware updates the other night (trust me, this is what nerds do for entertainment), when I got a "Page Not Found" message from V-Gear. This is the company that makes the low-cost, low-end NAS enclosure that I have written about before.

Thinking that I had got the address wrong, I tried all the variations, including adding a Taiwan suffix(.tw) and even trying the website for the parent company, Asiamajor. All came up dead. Using Google's cache facility, I was able to confirm that the pages used to be there, and that the address was correct.

Not sure if they have gone out of business or just suffered some sort of catastrophic web site failure.

As far as I know, the last firmware update for the LanDisk was 024. It appears that they released an updated model of the equipment sometime last year called the LandDisk Pro, but the firmware is different.


Unknown said...

I noticed the same thing if you find out email me at becuase I found out my unit does not play nice with Vista in its present state.

Anonymous said...

Hi Waleed,

I found Your blog by searching for a new firmware for V-Gear's Landisk
(not the pro).
V-Gear's website is down since weeks.
I googled for hours for a site to download the firmware 024.
(Found a site, where somebody was talking about v028)
All I got is Your blog. You are somebody, who has the firmware.

Do You still have the file?

Can You send it to me? (77558 at
We should upload it somewhere, that people can access it.

Greets from germany

whanafi said...

I have created a link to the firmware file on my website -

Bahama said...

Do you still have that landisk firmware 024? Found my old device in the shed and want to see how well it will work with Windows 10. Current firmware version on unit is 019.

whanafi said...

You are pushing the limits of my packrat nature. I checked the web host, but I had deleted the page long ago, figuring people had moved on.

I do run a large NAS pool though, so I gave it a shot.

Short answer - yes, I still have a copy. I have put it on Dropbox and will let it sit for a month or so.

Merry Christmas.